Esther Arunga is a monster:This is what investigators discovered about her ahead of her sentencing tommorow

Ciku has talked about how well she knew Esther, claiming she was the one who brainwashed Quincy and not the other way round as people claim. I have been seeing all these posts about Esther Arunga and how intelligent she was and how beautiful she was. The posts also talk about Quincy Timberlake (Her husband who was charged with the murder of their 3-year-old son) and how he had a brain the size of a peanut. Apparently, he did an IQ test and was found to have the same intelligence as that of a mouse (No actual specifics were given as to when this alleged IQ testing took place). The posts go on to say how poor Esther was brainwashed. I’m calling bullshit on the last part. Before Esther met Quincy she was staying in a digs somewhere in Nairobi with her cousin Hellon and being accused of being in a cult. He was running for President and she was his running mate. She was engaged to another dude until Quincy came along and Hellon says things changed after that. She continued, AT THE TIME, ALL OF YOU BLAMED HELLON (WHOSE PRESIDENTIAL ASPIRATIONS DISAPPEARED AFTER SHE TOOK OFF WITH QUINCY). YOU THEN BLAMED QUINCY (WHOSE BRAIN AS WE ARE TOLD CAN’T FORMULATE A PLAN TO GET ANYTHING DONE, LET ALONG ELABORATE PLANS TO FLEE KENYA AND ESTHER’S PARENTS). YOU ARE BLAMING HIM FOR BRAINWASHING A (SUPPOSEDLY VERY INTELLIGENT) GIRL WHO ALLEGEDLY WATCHED HIM PUNCH HER 3-YEAR-OLD SON REPEATEDLY IN THE STOMACH AND IN HER WORDS… “A GROWN MAN CANNOT SURVIVE A PUNCH FROM QUINCY SO I KNEW MY SON WOULD NOT…” WHO THEN WENT ON TO TELL POLICE THAT SHE LIED HER SON FELL DOWN THE STAIRS BECAUSE SHE WAS AFRAID OF BEING ALONE. REALLY? I PUT IT TO YOU THAT ESTHER, THE SO HYPED ‘INTELLIGENT AND BEAUTIFUL’ GIRL, IS THE ONE WHO DID ALL THE BRAINWASHING. SHE CONVINCED GROWN-ASS MEN SHE COULD MAKE THEM PRESIDENTS. SHE CONVINCED THEM THEY COULD TAKE OVER THE WORLD. SHE WAS SO DELUSIONAL THAT MAYBE SHE THOUGHT DEMONS WERE THWARTING THEIR CHANCES AND COMMANDED THE COCKROACH SIZED BRAIN TO PUNCH THEIR SON TO DEATH. REMEMBER QUINCY’S FIRST WIFE? TELLING US HOW ESTHER STOLE HIM FROM HER? ARUNGA HAS ACTUALLY NEVER GIVEN ANY ONE ANY REASON TO THINK SHE WAS A VICTIM IN THIS BUT YOU ALWAYS BELIEVED SHE WAS. WHY, PRAY TELL? BECAUSE SHE READS NEWS? DIDN’T WE SEE ANOTHER ANCHOR THE OTHER DAY BEING CHARGED WITH ALLEGEDLY HELPING COVER UP A MURDER? Also read; Muiruri says she’s not convinced that Esther lied to protect Quincy and instead he did it for her sake. ESTHER ARUNGA ALWAYS HELD ALL THE CARDS. YOU THINK SHE LIED TO PROTECT QUINCY? I DON’T BUY IT. HE LIED TO PROTECT HER. REMEMBER HOW FOR SO MANY YEARS WE BELIEVED WHITNEY HOUSTON WAS AN ANGEL DESTROYED BY BOBBY BROWN UNTIL HER BROTHER CONFESSED TO HAVING INTRODUCED WHITNEY TO DRUGS LONG BEFORE SHE EVER MET BOBBY? WHITNEY TOLD US TIME AND TIME AGAIN THAT NOBODY MAKES HER DO ANYTHING SHE DOESN’T WANT TO DO AND WE DIDN’T LISTEN. WHEN SHE DIED OF AN OVERDOSE SHE WAS LONG DIVORCED FROM BOBBY. HE’S STILL ALIVE. HER DAUGHTER, WHO STAYED WITH HER AFTER THE DIVORCE, ALSO DIED FROM A DRUG OVERDOSE. WHITNEY WAS ALWAYS THE PROBLEM, NOT BOBBY. OPEN YOUR EYES WHEN IT COMES TO ESTHER ARUNGA. SHE WAS ALWAYS THE PROBLEM. THE BEAUTIFUL, INTELLIGENT GIRL FOOLED YOU ALL. Also read; What a woman! Read Mueni’s message to ex-husband Quincy Timberlake Muiruri’s post has ignited mixed reactions and comments include; Makotieno Brand Esther Arunga, you’ve been bursted by Ciku. Muiruri, I thought you were only bursting folks on radio! Oh my, it’s equally hot online! Vickie Siele I like the kind of questions this post raises in my mind. Its a very different perspective from my own but it still triggers me. Manipulation is always a sign of a much deeper problem. Reading this should encourage us to dig to the root. Let’s find the disease and cure it right from the source. Muthoni Kiama Have you walked her mile to judge her so much? How many intelligent women out there are being emotionally abused without anyone knowing? She’s all smiles and perfect body language you can’t tell and everyone falls for her ‘perfect life’? Whatever happened, we’re all speculating coz no one knows. What if, they all played with her mind? Don’t con artists do that to intelligent people too? David Olloo: This is a thoughtful and insightful interpretation of this situation. Everyone missed it! I imagine her watching her son being punched to death??? Peter Kiarie Karanja You always have a third eye to see the truth when everyone cannot… I love the insight Bill Boit Beauty can deceive and intelligence is relative! A good piece though. Mware WaKiiru What I know is that when you love too much at times you don’t accept the truth. This is one of those situations. Look beyond. I cry for the child that died in the hands of the parents no one and no love can convince me otherwise. I stand with the dead boy child I believe both parents are not mentally fit no one and I say no one does that. As a mother I know I would kill for my child not watch my child being killed tutakufa sote pamoja.

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