What IDA Odinga did to 3 Kikuyus on 2012 Which might Deny Raila presidency

What IDA Odinga did to 3 Kikuyus on 2012 Which might Deny Raila presidency

SEP 2012 Ida Odinga demanded a ferry heading to Rusinga Island be turned back mid way. She wanted "some filthy Kikuyus" to be kicked out so that the ferry (which was full of VIP cars heading to the burial of Millie Odhiambo's mother) would accommodate her three car motorcade. The Ferry Services manager tried to plead with her to take one car and the rest would be ferried in the next trip but she insisted that her three cars MUST be loaded into the ferry.
Three cars belonging to some VIP who she thought was Beth Mugo were kicked out.
It later turned out that the filthy Kikuyu she kicked off the ferry was not an actual Kikuyu but Waziri Sally Kosgey. Sally later lamented that she was shocked and wondered how Ida would be if Raila became president.
her husband was only a 50% president and as a "filthy Kikuyu" I don't want to find out what this entitled rattle snake would do to me and other "filthy Kikuyus" should her husband assume full powers.
# NikoCanaanMimi
Via Polycarp Hinga

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