10 pictures of Kenyan pastors trending online

Kenyan pastors are one of the most controversial people in the country.

They Follow politicians in level of Controversies.
With the likes of Kanyari still running the pastors empire we are bound to witness more crazy stuff.
Here are 10 exclusive photos currently on social media.

This two pastors were praying for this lady to give birth after long struggle


What this pastor was praying the lady for is unknown but the posture is very funny.


A Kenyan pastor kissing one of the congregation to give them a holy kiss.

tps:https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj1jsspQNYwZOtedUBNFAH9OHU7_pnC8malneOiUhsBmSeTNWXxyM_lUATLbnxPQC3C9c5aWSbAlsuFga_sghQuUGK8hKhKuzV3J0lPMpzNrRPEJdxSKay3EPE2AHwIathPYZRi3BMvFkRq/s2560/%255BUNSET%255D" onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}">
Praying for one of the congregation to give birth by kicking them in the stomach.

This is just very wrong In all levels considering that she is trusting the pastor to touch her inappropriately in order to give birth.

Applying holy oil to a woman to bless her.
We are not sure what kind of blessing she will receive.
Pastor relaxing on top of the congregation after a wonderful sermon.

African pastors will do all crazy stuff with the congregation and I hope we entertained you this day with this amazing and crazy Pictures

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