Photos: Meet late Fidel odinga Son all grown up

Fidel Odinga, Raila’s eldest son passed on in 2015.Before passing on he  had for the longest time kept his family away from media attention. This is after he divorced his first wife and settled for an Eritrean beauty.
For the first time since he tied the knot with the Eritrean back in 2012, Fidel finally stepped out with her and their one year old son at a public event. This was during the recent Polo Tournament event held at Jockey Club last weekend..In the second photo below you can see them.
Today Fidel odinga junior was introduced to the world as a young brilliant man who will take up after his grandfather Raila odinga or Fidel odinga who was expected to take Nyanza leadership after his father but sadly he passed on.
Here is a photo o Fidel odinga junior celebrating madaraka day with his grand mother Ida odinga.
ltr">Second photo:Fidel junior,late Fidel and mom

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