What doctors had told Laboso in India before discharging Her

Kenyans today were shocked after another high Ranking government official succumbed to Cancer. Laboso,Bomet Governor passed on today.she had been sicking treatment in india.It is undrrstood that doctors disclosed to her,that the cancer ailing her was on advanced stage and it was impossible to save her.The Governor, who had not disclosed her ailment, revealed what doctors in India told her to do before resuming her duties as Bomet County boss.Speaking on Monday, Laboso’s spokesperson said the Governor had been placed under full-time bed rest but refused to disclose the hospital which she was undergoing treatment in. “She is under full-time bed rest and doctors are monitoring her closely.” “It will take some time before she resumes her duties," the spokesperson said. However, sources close to the Governor said she was at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Nairobi Hospital over the last two weeks and she was not responding well to treatment. She passed away this evening

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