Kwale Woman Representative Zuleika Hassan on Wednesday defended her decision to storm Parliament with her 5-month-old baby.According to her, she had an emergency back at home and saw no harm of carrying along the baby because 'it's not an atomic bomb which can explode'.
Temporary speaker Chris Omulele ordered her out in a move that irked several female legislators who faulted the move even though it's against standing orders.
“I had an emergency and decided not to miss work but come with the baby. She is not an atomic bomb and can’t explode.My househelp fell ill and i decided to help her out” Ms Hassan said.
Ijara MP Sophia Abdi Noor said it is unfortunate that such an incident can happen in Parliament where laws are made and wondered of the fate of working mothers in the country.
“This child has a right, if they don’t establish a breastfeeding room then we will urge all women with breastfeeding children to come with their children in the chambers so as to send a message,” Ms Noor said.
Kitui South MP Rachel Nyamai questioned why the PSC has failed to give priority to young mothers by setting up a crèche.
“This child has a right to be with the mother and we don’t understand why she is being sent away,” Ms Nyamai said.
In other parts of the world like Australia, female MPs are allowed to enter parliament with their babies due to flexible Standing Orders