Here is the trending video of Akothe Being thrown of parliament after visiting there Almost naked

By capital news

Akothee’s visit to see MP David Sankok in parliament has caused a standoff because of what they are calling ‘skimpy dresscode’
She walked in and caused a commotion when she was blocked by Parliament security from accessing the Members Only restaurant. She was later given access but without her security guard.
Akothee was dressed in a lime green skirt suit but her skirt was way above the knee. According to the parliament ‘rules’, they have constantly called out women who walk in parliament with short skirts or sleeveless tops. For them, no skin should be seen.
After gaining entry into MPs only area, the artist rejected attempts by Parliament orderlies to hand her a kikoi to wrap her mini skirt.

It did not take long, she was quickly escorted out by security guards through the backdoor.

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