4 cctv footage: Unseen footage of kasarani shooting where Kenyan hero Richard Muema Risked his life fighting thugs

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 Welcome back on board everyone. Richard mwema(NOMAH) was on Tuesday 5th November,2019 at around 10.30pm attacked by armed robbers and shot around 8 times. He was taken to st. Francis hospital in kasarani where he received first aid and was referred to Kenyatta National Hospital for further treatment. Yesterday on Thursday 6th November,2019 he underwent a successful surgery to remove the bullets where 7 bullets were removed from his body though one bullet is still remaining and will be removed after his health has stabilized. He is still admitted and recuperating at KNH and we are appealing for financial support from friends and people of good will to help settle the hospital bill which is skyrocketing. Kindly send any amount and we will appreciate for no amount is too little. You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.  ~2 Corinthians 9:11.
Kindly send your contributions and pledges to Wilberforce Makau kasyoki ( phone number 0727922306)

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