Amount of money Peter Mugure was to remain with after court ordered him to pay Joyce Syombua and Children monthly upkeep of 25k


Mystery of an Army Major, a troubled marriage and missing wife, children
Joyce Syombua and her two children: Shanice Maua and Prince Michael. PHOTO| COURTESY

It is now 22 days since 31-year-old Joyce Syombua and her two children; Shanice Maua and Prince Michael, disappeared after visiting her estranged partner Major Peter Mugure in Nanyuki.They were found dead yesterday.
Police are awaiting call log details from Syombua’s phone .
On October 25, 2019 the woman and her two children made their way to Nanyuki in a public service vehicle (PSV). Joyce was taking her children to meet their father and he was supposed to pick them at the Nanyuki main stage.
In his statement to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), Major Peter Mugure of the Laikipia Airbase states that he picked his partner and two children from the Nanyuki main stage and they all spent the night at the Airbase.
It has now been confirmed that he killed them.This murder has already shocked the nation.
Peter mugure had been sued by Joyce Syombua in childrens Court, Syombua wanted Peter to take full responsibility of the basic needs of the children.
Before the court ruling, Peter had requested for a DNA test to confirm if indeed both children are his.
He has for a long term denied fathering the children, especially yjr the last born by the name Mike.DNA test confirmed that the children were his.
Court ordered Peter mugure to be paying the children a monthly upkeep of 25k,Peter mugure was a sergeant in the army,this means he earned around 45k,with deductions he was to remain with 35k.
If he pays a monthly upkeep of 25k,he was to remain with 10k and he had another family to feed.
Police believe that this was Peter mugure main motive to kill his family

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