Mutahi ngunyi biography: Education, career,Wife photos and Death of his only son

Mutahi Ngunyi is one of the most celebrated  political analyst in Kenya.
He is one of the best sought after politicians in the country.
Here is a brief history of the brilliant political analyst.
Mutahi Ngunyi spent his early life In Eastlands area of Nairobi.
His education from primarily is unknown but it is believed he schooled Im Eastlands schools.
He has confessed that he was always A D student and has urged those who never passed in primary and highschool never to lose hope.
Mutahi Ngunyi has thought in the following universities.
1.University of Nairobi
2.University of Leeds (Visiting Research Fellow)
3. University of Helsinki in Finland (Visiting Research Fellow)
4. Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (Associate Research Fellow)
5.the Scandinavian Institute for African Studies (SIAS) as a researcher on structural adjustments and political conditionality.
Ngunyi is currently the Principal Fellow at both TCH and IPEX.Mr. Mutahi Ngunyi Mr. Ngunyi has worked and consulted in more than 15 countries of Africa and Europe.
Public Service Position
Ngunyi is currently CEO of consult Afrika, A knowledge management company based in 10 African countries.
Previously he  served as the director of an East African research and publishing NGO operating in the Great Lakes Region.
Family life
Mutahi Ngunyi is happily married and has kept his family life in low profile.
The only time his family was mentioned is when his son passed back in 2016.
Not much is known about Mutahi Ngunyi other family members and he has not shared photos of them including his wife.
Photo:Mutahi Ngunyi and a presenter/ courtesy

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