• President Uhuru Kenyatta on Friday, November 15, announced his next move after a much-publicized meeting with Mt Kenya leaders at the Sagana State Lodge.
    A source present in the meeting indicated to Kenyans.co.ke that the president announced plans to meet other leaders from the region, to discuss the proper means to drive the country's development agenda, after which he would meet the people and listen to their views.
    This tour, it was reported, is set to begin in Meru County before it spills over to other devolved units in Mt Kenya.

    President Uhuru Kenyatta arriving at the Sagana State Lodge in Nyeri county on Friday, Nocember 15.
    President Uhuru Kenyatta arriving at Sagana State Lodge in Nyeri county on Friday, November 15.

    Reports from Citizen TV also indicated that the president promised help solve issues that are affecting the central region, especially agriculture.

    “I have heard what you are saying about coffee, tea, milk and pyrethrum, and others. I acknowledge that people didn’t elect me alone. I cannot solve all these problems alone. We must work together,” President Kenyatta was quoted.
    At the meeting, he also cautioned some of the leaders present about the dangers of the political paths that they were taking instead of fulfilling the mandate that they had promised the people.
    “I want to take you back to 2007 up to where we are today. You know the problems we had. Some of you here are still very bitter about what happened," he stated.

    He castigated the leaders for playing politics at a time when the government's sole agenda was development.
    "Our work as leaders is to find solutions to issues facing our people. But I never hear some of these leaders speak about these issues. All I hear is vile exchanges. I wonder, when shall we work for our people?” he questioned.
    The essence of the meeting was to allay fears from leaders in the region that Uhuru had sidelined them ever since his handshake with ODM leader Raila Odinga, which left the political equation in limbo.

    A section of the Mount Kenya leaders at the Sagana State Lodge in Nyeri on !5 November, 2019.
    A section of the Mount Kenya leaders at Sagana State Lodge in Nyeri on November 15, 2019.