Story of June Cheptoo from Marakwet who beat all odds to emerge second best student country wide

  • Congratulations June Cheptoo Koech from Kipchawat village for emerging the second best student in country and scoring 439 marks in KCPE. June who was a candidate at Sangalo Central Primary, a public school in Nandi county is the daughter of the Standard Newspaper editor and writer Jonathan Kipkoech .

June Cheptoo was not a very bright student,she was index 15.
Speaking to the media, she Said that her aim was to emerge number 10 out of 70 in her school.Her school,sangalo central primary school had registered 70 students.
It was when she had a talk with one of her teachers,that she changed her mind.
The teacher told her to aim high and just like kipchoge keino,no human is limited, June took the advice and did her best.she worked very hard according to her teachers.
When the results came today,she did not believe her eyes when she emerged the top girl in the country.

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