lady who was with Babu before he shot Dj EVOLVE finally records statement with DCI

“Dj Evolve badly embarrassed Mhesh by telling him to his face that he suspected his (Babu) otile was only three inches long,” the woman narrated.
The witness, a woman in her mid-thirties, made the confessional statements detailing the rise of temperature between the two guys which culminated in the legislator nearly taking the life out of the poor DJ.
The lady stated that DJ Evolve had made demeaning insinuations at Babu Owino, with the implication that the legislator had very tiny manhood whose dismal turnover when put in action would make women to generally shy away from the him
The lady equally recorded that DJ Evolve had gone ahead to brag about his relatively longer rod, annoying Babu Owino who was at that time in the company of a woman.
Babu Owino grew uncontrollably wild and furious, with him rising from the seat where he was seriously smoking shisha together with his shisha lady.
Cliff Ombetta, Babu’s lawyer
The witness confessed that the DJ had at one time even threatened to play a song about men with small otiles and dedicating it to the Mp.
A number of people, said the witness, who had now kept silent, listening to the DJ tear Babu apart broke into shrilling laughter, doubling Babu’s woes and embarrassing him beyond comprehension.

It was then that the legislator angrily shot up from his seat, drew out his short gun and aimed directly at the DJ, recounted the witness.
She explained that by this time Evolve had come out from his desk and was slowly charging towards Babu, an action that undoubtedly made Babu imagine that he would be up to some malice.
She explained that from Babu’s facial expression, it was apparent he wouldn’t wait to discipline the disrespectful DJ and true to it, a well-aimed shot that sent the entire room shaking smote the air.
The woman clarified that everyone got horrified with a number of people taking to their heels, scampering towards the exit, as the body of the DJ went down with a most terrifying thud.
Also see:
She recorded that she next saw Babu and one of his aides struggle to drag and lift the DJ into a vehicle, before rushing him to the hospital, with blood oozing profusely from the region around his neck


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