The passing of K24 TV presenter Anjlee Gadhvi has caught fans and friends off-guard and plunged many into mourning. The celebrated TV girl was diagnosed with liver cancer in 2013 and has battled with the killer disease up until her passing.
She went public about her diagnosis in 2015 after funds raised by family and friends got drained. After she appealed for public help, Kenyans donated over Ksh6 million in hours. Various journalists took to their timelines commending Anjlee for her bold move, in the process sharing uplifting messages.
Anjlee was very family-oriented and took every opportunity to show off the intimate moments she had with them. She was married and mother to two wonderful daughters.
Here is a video that went viral of her explaining why she had to go to India for an operation.
I dont know whether I should be sharing this clip or not. But since cancer is the discussion I think its important to share how I find it hard to explain to my 5 year old why I have to leave her for 2 weeks to seek specialised treatment out of the country. #cancer
She also posted one once she got back and you could see how happy her daughters were to have her back. Since she had promised she would jump with her daughter before leaving, she intended to keep her promise once back. Family clearly meant everything to her.
Back home to my beauties, #backhome #grateful #cancerwarrior after a successful #cyberknife treatment from Bengaluru #hcghospitals
Thanking you all for the continuous prayers and love you have sent me! I am Super super blessed with you all!
Below is a picture of her with her firstborn.
Here is a cute picture with her grandfather whom she referred to as ‘guka’.
Check out more family pictures below;