This story of a 12 year old girl Who died has made everyone cry

This morning I attended the memorial mass of this little beautiful girl. Her name is Kendi. She was only 12 years old and in class 7.
She suddenly fell ill and was admitted. Within a few days she was on life support and then she died. Just like that. It wasn’t cancer. One day she was healthy and the next day, she was on life support with part of her brain dead.
Anyway, my post is about the memorial service today.
This one was special. This 12 year old has lived the life of a 90 year old! I sat there listening to the tributes and i saw how a person can leave an impact in the lives of others. You don’t have to be old. You can touch lives by acts of kindness.
A new girl reported to Kendi’s class in class 6. She was a Chinese girl who hardly knew any English. Kendi befriended her and helped her with homework and to communicate to teachers and other students.
Almost one year later, the girl had made significant progress in writing and speaking English. She even wrote a moving tribute which was published in its raw format. I cried when reading it.
As tears flowed during the service, I gazed at this teenage Chinese girl who has just lost a friend. Her best friend. Her parents were sobbing uncontrollably as Kendi’s mother spoke about their two daughters special friendship.
Kendi was perhaps the only person who made her believe in herself. Imagine leaving your homeland, going to a foreign land and meeting a stranger who takes an interest in you. A young person your age who teaches to speak and write in another language. That was Kendi.
I was truly inspired. A 12 year old has restored my faith in humanity. That we still have God’s angels on earth. They can be any age. All they need is a big loving heart.
So long Kendi. I know your spirit is already at peace

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