This is exactly what happened to this lady who was seen blacked out between two guys in a motorcycle

 A picture few days ago went viral .The picture was showing two guys and a lady who had blacked out after heavy drinking.

Most guys assumed that the two guys were up to no good and probably the lady will wake up in a questionable place with strangers.
So here is how the story went on according to those who knew the girl very well.
A neighbor went to Twitter and narrated the story

Before posting your nonsense, you should first dig deep for more info,this is what really happened to the young lady; it was Friday around 10h:30 AM when a moto guy with a dozed off lady at his back arrived in our hoods.
(Kabeza) the moto guy stopped when he saw us,he said they were from kwa Jules and the lady told him to bring those ends before she dozed off we tried to wake her up but she couldn't.
That's when many people started to come, among them a certain mukarani(the one behind her) who was claiming to know where she stays then later on someone came up with an idea to check her fone,when we reached her fone from the pocket
(...still sleeping) we found a number labeled "sister" we called it and she gave us a clear direction to her place which was not far from where we were the mukarani sat behind for her protection and we followed them on foot.
I can testify that they reached home safely where was her mother and big brother so
@Afrokonect10 have u heard "kwinyarira" in my story? And oohh to who ever took those photos and felt like they can embarrass her. Shame on u.
Apparently the lady arrived safely in her home contrarily to what people had said about the whole situation .
She is now safely in her home and nothing happened to her .

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