Harriet akunava strikes again as she releases new list of prominent people she has infected with HIV


 A Kenyan lady has caused confusion and left men in panic after she announced that she has tested positive for the deadly HIV virus.

The curvaceous lady who is identified as Harriet Akuna alias AkunavaTheFirst on Instagram, put up a disturbing post on social media disclosing her HIV status and apologized to all men who have slept with her, urging them to visit a VCT to confirm their status.

‘It’s time I came clean, I was bitter for many months but I can’t do this anymore. I am HIV positive and I have been infecting men,’ the pretty lady, whom we understand is a former student at University of Nairobi Kikuyu Campus, said.

She further  confessed that she has slept with multiple men and urged any man who has sampled her honey pot to confirm his status.

A prominent city lawyer and an outspoken politician are among people she has allegedly infected with HIV.

She has promised to release full list this afternoon 

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