Dennis Okari opens up about divorce with Betty kyalo

 Award-winning investigative journalist Dennis Okari has revealed that he has tried to commit suicide twice.

Speaking during an interview with Truth FM, the NTV journalist expressed his disappointment over how people perceive him due to the 'gossip and rumours' that have surrounded his broken marriage with KTN's anchor Betty Kyallo.

During the interview, Okari disclosed that following the events of his life, he got to a point where he was so frustrated and depressed that he thought of taking his own life.

He confessed: "I know people don't know this, but I have tried to take my life twice. The first time I wanted to crash my car on a huge rock on my way from work. Miraculously, as I drove from work on the material night, I just could not trace the boulder, it had always been there, but I couldn't trace it.

"When I couldn't trace the rock on that familiar route, I said I'll try it another day," he added.

The journalist went ahead to explain that following the continuous life frustrations, he stuck to his word and planned his second suicide attempt.

"The second time, I had planned to take an overdose of piriton tablets, about 12 of them, and sleep never to wake up. But as I came from work late in the night, I couldn't figure where to get a chemist that late in the night. And somehow it escaped my mind that I could easily google it out. Likewise, I aborted the suicide mission that night," he added.

He then revealed that he gave up on his plan to kill himself after he had an encounter with God.

"There was a day we were doing an investigative piece near Langata cemetery at night, I looked out and heard a voice (of God) tell me, that is where you belong (had the suicides been successful). I broke out and cried a lot at the back seat, unknown to those who were seated at the front seats of the car," Okari stated.

Speaking on his newfound passion for mentorship and his relationship with God, Okari noted that he has been able to minister across the country over the last two years adding that God has used him to perform miracles, including instant healing.

When asked why he has never spoken about his marriage to Betty, he exclaimed: "A lot has been said out there, but I have never found it necessary to defend myself or tarnish someone's name in public. One day perhaps, when God allows me, I will open up. But for now, I leave it to Him to fight it for me."

Okari, who is set to join NTV's news anchoring team starting next week, asserted that besides his journalistic duties, he is currently committed to preaching the gospel and spreading the love of God.

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