How Betty Barasa husband planned and executed the Murder of his wife, Police now release intriguing Details as he is arrested


Betty Barasa was driving home at around 8:20pm Wednesday when three armed men emerged from the darkness, and forced their way into her compound as she steered her Toyota Prado TX to the parking bay. The incident occurred in Oloolua, Ngong area in Kajiado North.

Barasa, a video editor at KBC, had left for home at 8pm, not knowing that 30 minutes later, she would be no more.

Describing Barasa’s killing as “very unfortunate”, Kajiado North OCPD Rashid H. Mohamed told Standard Digital that the motive of the murder remains unclear yet.

After bundling Barasa, 41, into her house, the three armed men, who were dressed in hooded jackets and face masks, ordered her to call her husband and children. Terrified, Betty obliged.

The suspected criminals then ordered Betty's husband and her children to lie down in the living room as one of the suspects escorted her to their bedroom upstairs. Two of the suspected criminals remained downstairs keeping watch on Betty’s spouse and the children.

All the while, what was happening upstairs remained unknown to Betty’s family downstairs.

Barasa’s husband, Geoffrey Barasa Namachanja, pleaded endlessly with the two armed men not to kill any of his family members.

Nearly ten minutes later, Barasa’s spouse and children heard two gunshots from the master bedroom. Betty had been shot twice in the head.

“We are yet to ascertain what preceded Betty’s shooting,” OCPD Rashid Mohamed told Standard Digital.

After killing Betty, the sole suspected criminal, who was with her in the bedroom, rushed downstairs and told the other two suspects that they could leave.

Betty’s spouse and children escaped the incident unharmed.

OCPD Mohamed said “not very clear” leads into Betty’s killing have been established.

“We are baffled that the suspects did not steal any money from the family. So, there might be more to this burglary than what is already known. However, we will be guided by investigations, and not speculation,” said Mohammed.

The suspects took Barasa’s laptop; Dell make valued at Sh90,000, and two mobile phones; Oppo and Tecno makes valued at Sh20,000 and Sh18,000 respectively.

OCPD Mohamed said a multi-agency team comprising DCI detectives and Ngong Police officers have been tasked with probing circumstances that might have led to Betty’s murder.

Kajiado North Directorate of Criminal Investigations Officer (DCIO), Joseph Chesimet, told Standard Digital that they’ll conduct a forensic analysis at Barasa’s home, which is located near Amani Trading Centre, to give them an idea of who the suspects could be.

A spent cartridge recovered from Betty’s clothes would be crucial in the investigations, Chesimet said.

Barasa’s body was moved to the City Mortuary awaiting postmortem, OCPD Mohamed said.

The deceased’s husband and house-help are among those who have recorded statements with police so far.

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