Jude Thuranira was born and raised in Meru.
He met the love of his life, Jackie, at campus while he visited his friend.
The two lovebirds dated for four years and got married in the fifth year at a beautiful wedding. Sadly, Jackie was diagnosed with stage four cancer a month before their wedding.
Mr. Jude didn't give up on her and wedded her on her birthday.
The young man recalls with tears in his eyes, how they spent their honeymoon in hospital for chemotherapy sessions, despite having bigger plans. He stood with his wife through thick and thin.
His lovely wife was getting better after surgery, and they both believed that she was okay since she had recovered positively. Unfortunately, his wife developed other complications that included difficulties in breathing. One morning, Jude received the sad news of her passing on.
"During the night, we called my wife and my daughter prayed for her. We talked a lot and finally slept. While the morning came, I called my wife but she didn't receive my call. I called her doctor and he told me to go to the hospital," he said as tears flew from his eyes.
During his interview, Mr. Jude disclosed that he doesn't believe that his wife is gone. Until today, he still calls his wife and texts her all the time.
What hurts him most is his daughter asks him when her mum will leave the hospital.
Their little daughter stated that she wants to be a doctor when she grows up so that she can treat her dear mother.
The father of one will forever cherish the beautiful moment he shared with his wife.
May the good Lord give him peace and the comfort that he deserves, Amen.
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