Caroline Kangogo spent her last night partying in Kabarnet town and even booked two rooms, Police Now Reveal blow to blow details

 Fugitive police officer Caroline Chemutai Kangogo booked two hotel rooms in Kabarnet town, Baringo County on July 14 but did not spend the night in any of them. 

People Daily has established that the officer who was found dead in a bathroom at her parents’ home in Nyawa, Elgeyo-Marakwet County last Friday had spent some time at a backstreet club in Kabarnet on that fateful day. 

“She was in the yellow hood and we recognised her well. When she wanted to clear her bill, she borrowed a phone from me but I was hesitant,” said one of the waiters. 

Owners of the two hotels in the town’s Central Business District (CBD) confirmed that indeed Kangogo booked the rooms but did not sleep in any of them after realising detectives were closing in on her. 

The fugitive cop who was wanted for the murder of a police officer and a businessman is said to have fled Baringo County the same day, only for her lifeless body to be found in a bathroom at her family home two days later.

A senior officer familiar with the investigation confirmed to People Daily indeed Kangogo’s signal had been located in Baringo County for the better part of last week. 

Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI) detectives have since been dispatched to Elgeyo-Marakwet County to probe the circumstances surrounding Kangogo’s death. 

Corporal Kangogo’s death brought to an end a 10- day manhunt by detectives who had been trailing her after she allegedly killed the two men. 

Though police have said that she killed herself at the family home, residents who spoke to People Daily yesterday cast doubts on the suicide theory. 

“She was a role model to many of us as the youth. Her death came as a big surprise.

We just want to know the circumstances surrounding her death once and for all,” said Alice Kibet, a resident of Nyawa village where the late Kangogo was born and raised. 

Corporal  Kangogo’s  father, Barnaba Kipkoech Korir has since maintained his daughter took her own life, dispelling claims she may have been killed. 

“As a family, we are not happy to hear people say that my daughter was killed. Anybody with evidence should come forward and tell us. 

The way we found her, the girl killed herself as the bathroom door was locked from inside, “ Korir told People Daily. 

Korir added Kangogo had been dropped home on the fateful night by a boda boda rider who did not recognise her. 

It has emerged that no one heard her arrive at the family home, including the officers who had been assigned to look for her in the area.

Rift Valley Regional Coordinator George Natembeya claimed the officer arrived home at 5.30am on Friday and met her parents, a claim they refuted.

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