Caroline Kangogo was murdered, Mutahi Ngunyi dissects crime scene and reveals the truth

Looking at Caroline Kangogo's lifeless body soaked in blood, she's still holding the gun in her right hand while seated and leaning on the wall with her back. As the Chief Online Forensic pick some inconsistencies from this matter.
1. How could someone who shot herself still be seated in an instant position. It's definite that she wouldn't die immediately, it's practically normal she would have made some movements hence indicating some self struggle and misplacing the gun from her hand.
2. How could she sneak unnoticed to her parents home in Keiyo without being noticed anywhere from where she was last spotted in Nairobi, sneak into a room, shoot herself to be discovered later. Remember, the home was under a 24hr police surveillance.
3. How could the piece of cloth covering her face be so intact even after she shot herself. Caroline Kangogo must have been shot by someone else and the gun planted on her hand.

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