(Video) Cctv footage shows Killer Cop Caroline Kangongo met 5 men hours before her first killing, including the two she killed,Police now looking for the other three

Caroline Kangogo, the police officer suspected of killing two men met her two victims alongside three other men in a club a day before she allegedly killed Constable John Ogweno, it has emerged.

Two of the men, Constable John Ogweno and Peter Ndwiga, were killed moments after the meeting which took place at a club near Nakuru’s Dog Section Police Station.

Sleuths are now working to unlock the identity of the three men who were in the meeting with Kangogo, who could hold crucial information to the murders.

The late Constable Ogweno left the meeting alone, and took a taxi to Nakuru town, where he withdrew some money from the bank before proceeding to Merica Hotel for another meeting.

He would later after the meeting take a bodaboda to his residence at Kasarani police lines Block 9, where he was joined by Kangogo and three other men.

The next morning, Constable Ogweno was found dead in the parking lot, with sleuths now trying to piece together what happened between the stay in the police lines and the death.

After the killing, Kangogo is reported to have escaped in the company of Peter Ndwiga to Kiambu, where she allegedly killed him (Ndwiga) before fleeing.

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) has formed a special squad from the Special Services Unit, the Cybercrime Investigating Unit and others to track down the suspected killer cop, who has been on the run for over a week now.

According to reports by the Nation, investigators belief that Ms Kangogo is part of a web of rogue officers operating under two syndicates in the Rift Valley, who are now watching her back.

“There is a group of police officers baying for her blood and there is one that is protecting her and this is why she has not been seen,” said an officer quoted by the Nation.

The rogue officers are believed to be involved in illegal businesses, extortions, protection of illegal businesses and robberies in Rift Valley towns such as Eldoret, Nakuru and Kericho.

Sleuths now say that there is more than meets the eye in the murders, and now belief that Ms Kangogo has a story to tell about the murders.

“What needs to be done now is to protect Cpl Kangogo from her rogue colleagues – some of whom are senior members of the police service – so that once she is arrested, she can give the real account of what happened,” said a source by the Nation.

On Tuesday, July 13, the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) appointed veteran lawyer Dr John Khaminwa to defend suspected killer cop Caroline Kangogo.

Khaminwa has been tasked with obtaining court orders barring police from arresting Kangogo when she surrenders.

By Kahawa Tungu 

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