Saddest story ever :How woman Running away from abusive marriage Ended up being Gang Raped as daughters watch in a Truck


Y is a mom to two daughters, 8 and 6 years. She had been in a very abusive marriage a concerned neighbour, told her why live everyday being beaten and abused? I'll help you relocate to Tanzania where Kenyan currency is stronger and you can do business there and take care of your children. 

So Y believed and they fled with her daughters and the TZ lady, with the little savings she had. On reaching Oloitoktok, one of the kids needed to go to the toilet, so she left the lady with the other child and her belongings. On returning the lady was gone and so was her handbag. 

She had no money, only her children , a bag of clothes and her phone. She went to the police to report , but the lady was gone. So she decided to hitchhike back to Nairobi using the trailers , that traverse that route. 

Late in the evening almost night time , one finally stopped, and gave them a lift. In the truck there was a bed and the kids hopped on there and she was seated between the driver and the turnboy. The men made it very clear that she should give one of her girls out to them, the lady pleaded and begged and told them they could have her and not harm her  girls. 

The men raped her in the cabin of the truck, forced her children to watch and lick her, and made the girls drink their ejaculation. When they were done they kicked them out with a stark naked mother. 

They spent the night in the cold and trekked to Emali looking for help. They were taken for treatment at a hospital in a place called Sultan Hamud given PEP however they didn't have 500 for some needed injections. 

This story gets worse from here , the truck rape is highly triggering for me. I'll conclude the second part, but for now they're safe in our safe house and on PEP. 

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