Jonathan Mukundi's funeral service
Jonathan Mukundi's funeral service

Businessman Jonathan Mukundi's sons from his previous marriage attended his funeral in Kiambu today.

The two sons were dressed in black suits, white shirts and black sunglasses.

At the Kenyatta University Referral Hospital where the body of their father was being viewed, the older son was seen supported by a Redcross employee as paid his last respects.

Jonathan Mukundi's funeral service
Jonathan Mukundi's funeral service

At the burial ceremony in Kiambu, Kanyoni village, various people gave tributes among them was Kameme's Muthoni Wakirumba.

She said, "Mukundi was my friend and brother. It is a huge loss that he is gone. I would like to say pole sana for your loss."

One of the workers who was employed by Mukundi praised him.

"Mukundi was my employer from when my son was in class 7 and now he is in high school. He was a loving boss to me and my fellow workers, he employed many people others from Tanzania and Ugandans."

He added, "Mukundi helped me a lot and he was a loving man, he would not fire anyone, during the pandemic he did not fire anyone. God has taken someone who was a forward-thinking and loving employer, he had nine workers in total."

Wife Tribute Read

The tribute read;

"As the angels lead you to paradise, I will miss you my love, my warrior and everything about you. You handsome looks, your deep sense of fashion, your sense of humour and your bitter-sweet stubbornness. Rest well, my love. Please watch over us from the other side. I love you. I promise to take care of our babies"

Here are some photos from the burial that is ongoing.