Lilian Nganga Unveils New lover days after ending it with Alfred Mutua(Full details)

Lillian Ng’ang’a, the estranged second wife of Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua, was many things to many people, depending on who you talk to in Machakos county.

But to Mutua, a man who once professed his love in public, Lillian was simply ‘honey and love’.
That was until “winds of change” —  according to her Instagram post — blew Lillian’s way recently, and she brought their eight year showbiz love life to a screeching halt, resigning as county  First Lady in the same public glare in which  she became the Governor’s consort.

As First Lady, Lilian, a sculptured beauty with killer legs,  accumulated so much power that even senior county government officers trembled when they sniffed her designer perfume in the air and with good reason: Lillian was not your average, laid back, provincial county First Lady in a tired wig.

Lilian Nganga was apparently tired of her cheating husband and had started looking else where.

Today photos of her new lover are trending all over Internet,details of the lovers name are still scanty but it is believed he is a Ugandan .

The two will make their union public soon.

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