Benard Sivo
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The double murders of Police constable Benard Sivo and his girlfriend Mary Nyambura have shaken the nation.

Sivo is alleged to have killed Mary, 29, before turning the gun on himself.

The sleuth first assaulted Mary at their home and broke her leg in the process and assumed she had died which was not the case.

Mary proceeded to  Njoro Sub-County Hospital to seek treatment.

It has now emerged that Mary Nyambura had two children with two other boyfriends.

She had hid this fact from Bernard Sivo, Bernard Sivo thought that Mary Nyambura had no children and had heavily invested in her.

He had invested more than 1 million in setting business for her,it was a wines and spirit and an Mpesa shop.

Mary Nyambura has four children,one in grade 8 who is 13 years,Second born is in grade 4 ,third is in grade 2 and  the other is yet to join school,he is 4 years old.they were all staying with her mum back in the village and she had hidden all this from sivo.They all had different fathers 

She met sivo three years ago and lied to him that she had no children.

Mary had found another man who was willing to Mary her and she had dumped Bernard Sivo the day she was murdered.That man could have been the 5th to marry her.

Sivo also found out about Mary Nyambura other children the day he murdered her.