Untold Story:Ngilu Illicit affair With Tony Gachoka And how they were caught pants down ‘doing it’ in a tinted Pajero in the park yard of Parklands Sports Club.”

Jubilee activist and Uhuru/ Ruto’s spanner boy, Tony Gachoka, on Wednesday met his match live on Jeff Koinange Show on KTN as he tried to bash Budalangi MP, Ababu Namwamba, and Nairobi Senator Mike Mbuvi Sonko for alleged propagating impunity in ODM and TNA respectively, with their publicity stunts.

The visibly drunk Gachoka angered KTN viewers, especially those who know him well, with his fabricated lies against Namwamba and Sonko, prompting them to strip him n@ked live on TV.

KTN’s sms line was jammed with messages from Kenyans roasting Tony Gachoka and revealing his well kept dirty secrets, ranging from his illicit love affairs with Lands Cabinet Secretary, Charity Ngilu, homos£xual habits, a failed marriage, conman-ship and the curse hurled at him by his very own mother.

According to one viewer, Tony Gachoka’s mother cursed him when he took family land and a coffee plantation valued at sh700 million and used it as collateral for a sh100 million loan from Post Bank, which he never repaid, forcing the bank to seize the land and leave the family languishing in poverty despite his father, Philip, having died a millionaire.

After securing the loan and becoming an overnight millionaire, Gachoka became a spendthrift, flying from one country to another enjoying life and sleeping with every beautiful lady he came across; that’s when he met Ngilu, who was a widow and started screwing her as well without minding the age.

“I am told he was cursed after he used the family coffee plantation estate to secure a loan in order to start a business which only did well just in the early periods of inception. Even his young sister Ciku Muiruri, I hear was mad at him after the bank came calling and auctioned the family’s land valued at Kshs 700m,” said one the viewers in an sms.

Another sms read;-

“Tony Gachoka could usually take time off and fly to South Africa for lunch or even a weekend and carry along beautiful young women with the kind of money that was flowing. Gachoka’s family only came to know of the loan when the bank attached their property for auction for nonpayment on the loan in a saga that resulted to Tony being cursed by the mother. In a desperate bid to make money after the saga, Gachoka started preying on rich and lonely women and where best to find them than inside parliament and classy restaurants in exclusive suburbs. He managed to catch the eye of Mrs. Ngilu who was already a widow. Gachoka and Ngilu were caught pants down ‘doing it’ in a tinted Pajero in the park yard of Parklands Sports Club.”

According to another viewer, Uhuru/ Ruto’s subservient used the remainder of the sh100 million to establish a publication company by the name The Sunday Post whose main objective was to con and fleece rich Asians through blackmail and intimidation thanks to his connections with Gideon Moi.

Charity NGILU'S illicit affairs with TONY GACHOKA

Charity NGILU’S illicit affairs with TONY GACHOKA

Among the Asians who were conned by Gachoka include Mukesh Gohil, Ajay Shah, Harban Singh and Raju Sangani.

However, the business did not last long since it was founded on greed for money, lies and damaging other people. The Sunday Post landed him in trouble and he was jailed for six months at Kamiti Prison where he allegedly acquired weird habits of homos£xuality.

And on his failed marriage, a viewer disclosed that Gachoka’s wife dumped him after he failed to settle school fee arrears of his son and daughters totaling to sh3.5 million at Brookhouse School.

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