Biography, Age, Wealth, Family, Diet, Wife, FAQs and Children


Charles Njonjo Biography

Charles Njonjo whose full name is Charles Mugane Njonjo was born in 1920 in Kabete. He was Kenya‘s first post-independence Attorney General from 1963 – 1979 and the Minister for Constitutional Affairs( 1980-1983). He is the son of ex-Senior Chief Josiah Njonjo. Njonjo is also popularly referred to as “The Duke of Kabeteshire”.

Charles Njonjo attended Alliance High School and the prestigious Kings College Budo in Uganda. Njonjo proceeded to Fort Hare University, South Africa, for his BA in a law degree, and later Exeter University London School for a diploma course in social anthropology between 1947 and 1950.

He thereafter enrolled for a law degree at Lincoln‘s Inn and graduated in 1954. He worked at the chambers in London before returning to Kenya in 1955.

Charles Njonjo Age

Njonjo was born on 23 January 1920, in Kabete, Nairobi Kenya. He is 100 years as of 2020.

Charles Njonjo Family


Charles Njonjo is married to Margaret Bryson they got married in the year 1972.


Charles Njonjo is married to Margaret Bryson and has been blessed with three children who have all succeeded in their various professional fields. One is a barrister, the other is a scientist and the last born is a veterinary doctor.

Body Measurements

  • Height: Not available
  • Weight: Not available
  • Shoe Size: Not available
  • Body Shape: Average
  • Hair Colour: White

Charles Njonjo Career

Charles Njonjo was a Crown Counsel handling cases under Companies and Bankruptcy Ordinance in the Supreme Court as well as serving as the assistant registrar general up to 1960. He served as Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions before he was appointed Kenya’s Attorney General, succeeding A.M.F. Webb, QC, in 1963.

Njonjo resigned as Kenya’s Attorney General in 1983 and rejoined Parliament as the new Kikuyu MP after incumbent Amos Ng’ang’a stepped down for the Attorney General who became a disciplinarian renowned for bureaucratic efficiency and supporter of state control.

Charles Njonjo played a pivotal role in the life of a young nation by ensuring that the colonial and conservative Constitution remained. But he made several changes, including repealing in 1963 colonial laws that had turned the country into the Kenya colony. He ended capital punishment for the rape of a white woman by a black man.

That whites were to be judged by White judges (who had jurors and not assessors as was the case of Africans) was restructured and racially separated courts abolished in 1967. Colonial passbooks were also replaced by identity cards.

Charles Njonjo made his office powerful by not only being at the center of political power and decision making but also by straddling the police force, legal fraternity and the Civil Service. He incorporated the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) and made it part of his chamber’s criminal prosecution.

He moved the Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill 1971 that introduced the death penalty for those found guilty of robbery with violence. He helped avert a Constitutional crisis when the ended the Change the Constitution lobby group that wanted the law amended to bar a sitting Vice President from automatically succeeding the President upon death or incapacitation.


He tabled amendments to the Marriage and Divorce Law that intended to reduce the number of unmarried women in Kenya by, among others, upholding the equality of women in marriage.

Charles Njonjo was feared and loathed as his office gave him powers to initiate and end cases without being subject to a higher authority.

Njonjo did not repeal oppressive laws, such as the Public Order act that restricted Kenyans from assemblies, while the Societies Act led to the enforcement of the sedition laws on flimsy grounds. Media freedom was restricted further weakening the Constitution as a guarantor of individual freedom.

There were no mechanisms of challenging the constitutionality of any legislation enacted under his watch

Many political dissenters were detained without trial on minor offenses as Njonjo retained detention laws and ensured tough prison conditions for inmates. Kenya became a single-party dictatorship after Njonjo lobbied parliament to amend the Constitution.

Through amendments to the Marriage and Divorce Law 1972, he refused to make adultery a criminal offense.

He opposed the use of Kiswahili in Parliament, a move that was defeated in the house in 1975 when both Kiswahili and English were declared official languages.

Sir. Charles Njonjo

Charles Njonjo Suits

Charles Njonjo owns about 20 suits, all tailored in Britain.

Charles Njonjo Wealth

Charles Njonjo wealth include: CFC bank, CMC, Car & General, shares in BA, Barclays Bank & Standard Bank, Brooke Bond, Alico Insurance and Ibonia farms

Charles Njonjo Networth

Njonjo has an estimated net worth of well over $10 million dollars all this accumulated from his wide range of investments.

Why Charles Njonjo married at the age of 52

Born in 1920 in the privileged family of Senior Chief Josiah Njonjo, the young Njonjo tied the knot in 1972, when he 52. By this time, ‘The Duke of Kabateshire’ had gone to Alliance High School, proceeded to Fort Hare University in South Africa where he graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Law and had also obtained a second law degree from Lincoln’s Inn University in the United Kingdom.When he married his wife, Margaret Bryson, on December 4, 1972, Njonjo was already a powerful Attorney General in the government of Kenya’s founding father Mzee Jomo Kenyatta. One may wonder why it took 52 years for an educated, wealthy and powerful man to find the love of his life?

There have been reports that Kenyatta was uncomfortable with a bachelor AG and hence he forced ‘aging’ Njonjo to get married. In a past interview with renowned journalist Jackson Biko, the former Kikuyu MP kept the record straight and revealed why it took him so long to settle down. “Because I couldn’t find a girl I could live with,” said Njonjo.

Pressed further to explain how he could have lacked a girl to marry despite meeting so many of them in Kenya and abroad Njonjo replied: “All those girls [and] I couldn’t find one I could live with. It took me a long time but eventually, I found one and I married her at All Saints Cathedral… she was in the choir.”

Charles Njonjo – Duke of Kabeteshire

The ‘Duke of Kabeteshire’ is now the last man standing. ‘Baba Wairimu’ doesn’t mind cremation, but wouldn’t tolerate people gathering to raise funeral money when he finally goes to that ‘land where no traveler returns’ as Shakespeare put it.

The other independent era politician still alive is retired President Daniel arap Moi, but he was not in the first Cabinet.

Like the Mois, the Njonjos genetically enjoy long lives. Take his father, Chief Josiah Njonjo. He was still around bending his 80s at the height of the Njonjo Commission of Inquiry in 1984.

His sisters sampled ripe old ages, while Njonjo still drives himself to the office daily to oversee operations of the family fortune which sweeps across banking, insurance, aviation, hospitality, ranching, large scale farming, property, real estate and equity in listed firms.

Charles Njonjo Diet and Exercise

Njonjo is said to keep to a frugal diet of a cup of tea and two toasts of bread in the morning, and lots of fruits and vegetables at lunch and supper. If you invite him for nyama choma, you will eat it alone.

“I look after myself. I swim daily, I used to do 12 laps, now I do only seven. I also have a bicycle which I ride for 10 minutes daily. I also hit the treadmill for about 10 minutes daily. I’m also careful about what I eat; I don’t eat nyama choma, I eat a lot of veggies,” revealed the man who does weekly rounds in his coffee and dairy goats farm in Kiambu.

Facts About Charles Mugane Njonjo

    1. Sir Charles Mugane Njonjo, born 1920, is the son of former colonial chief Josiah Njonjo.
    2. He received a degree in law from Fort Hare University in South Africa. After Kenyan independence in 1963, Njonjo was appointed Attorney General.
    3. Charles Njonjo, the former Attorney General never intended to marry an African girl, let alone a woman from Kabete where he was born in 1920. Njonjo, a member of the Kenya Bachelor’s Club, later married Margaret Bryson in 1972 at the age of 52.
    4. His greatest political loss was the death of President Jomo Kenyatta.
    5. He was a Member of Parliament of Kikuyu Constituency and was subsequently appointed as the Minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs.
    6. He has little faith in the current Kenyan constitution.
    7. He married late because he couldn’t find a girl he could live with.
    8. He is one of the wealthiest men in Kenya.
    9. At 95, he swims daily.
    10. He owns about 20 suits, all tailored in Britain.
    11. He stopped reading, doesn’t watch TV, and is not interested in Facebook.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Charles Njonjo

Who is Charles Njonjo?

Charles Njonjo was Kenya‘s first post-independence Attorney General and the Minister for Constitutional Affairs.

How old is Charles Njonjo?

Charles Njonjo is 100 years of age as of 2020.

How tall is Charles Njonjo?

He is relatively short this due to his age, His exact measurement is currently under review and will be updated soon.

Is Charles Njonjo married?

Njonjo is married to Margaret Bryson.

How much is Charles Njonjo worth?

We estimate his net worth in excess of $10 million dollars.

Where does Charles Njonjo live?

Not available

Is Charles Njonjo dead or alive?

Charles Njonjo is still alive and continues to hold on to life.

Where is Charles Njonjo now?

Not available

What happened to Charles Njonjo?

Charles Njonjo is still alive and well continuing with his healthy lifestyle

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