I was very unhappy and felt like in prison, Lilian Nganga now explains why she dumped governor Mutua


Leaving someone you have date for years or even married to can be a big move that many do not want to make over a couple of reasons.

Some will not leave that unhappy marriage or relationship over uncertainty of their future or that of their loved ones.

But for former First Lady Lilian Nganga, she believes it is unfortunate to choose uncertainty over unhappiness.

She had noted that she is happy with Rapper Juliani and leaving Machakos Gov was the choice she had to make even after being married for ten good years.

Taking to her Twitter account, she replied to a post where a user said some people will always choose unhappiness over uncertainty.

She replied," and how unfortunate that is!".

In regards to her tweet, many Kenyans have been commenting that she will run broke because she left a rich husband for a recording artiste.

But she believes that being happy is more important than what might befell her after fall out with the governor.

Lilian Nganga will still keep participating in initiatives of her former position as first lady and they broke up after a mutual understanding.

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