Blogger Cyprian Nyakundi leaks Lands CS Koroney Nudes

 These pictures you are about to view calls to heart the need to be extremely careful about what you do in the  secret place with someone you trust and call your lover, because sometimes, love can go souWATCH HEREr and what follows is absolute betrayal.

The woman whose nude pictures you are savour free of charge here, is the new Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry of Lands. When we say that Jubilee, Uhuru and Ruto are low-life’s, we know what we mean.

Her nude pictures were revealed by her trusted lover after countless rounds of sex in a hotel room.

While we encourage young ladies of good physique to share nudes with their lovers, it is totally prohibited for old women of Karoney’s age to share them. My eyes are bleeding.

Now Kenyans, do you see how things work in Nairobi? You have to sleep with the boss if you want a job. Merit is no longer a consideration.

Issa flashback Friday because these photos first leaked back in 2011. As we celebrate her new appointment (despite her obvious lack of expertise or experience in the field of Lands), let’s also take a trip down memory lane.

To all women, studying and reading hard doesn’t count these days. Give your pussy to the right person if you want career-progression. And you will get invites to Statehouse, appointments to Cabinet, and the likes.

Don’t we all miss Mwai Kibaki? The only guy who didn’t really worship pussy like others we know.


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