Details about Caroline Kangogo chaotic love life and dosens of lovers revealed, she once tried to kill her second victim

Police Corporal Caroline Kangogo has been described by many as a carefree woman who had a string of love affairs and loved booze.

She was found dead on Friday at her parents' home in Keiyo, Elgeyo Marakwet. She was found in a pool of blood in a bathroom. This comes exactly 11 days after she killed her two lovers.

While Kangogo had a long-running love affair with Peter Ndwiga, the man she shot dead at a hotel in Juja, Kiambu, her affair with Constable John Ogweno was hardly a month old.

She has been described as a drama queen who has been constantly fighting with male colleagues.

Colleagues and neighbours at the Kasarani police quarters in Nakuru, where Kangogo had been residing for a long time, say the mother of two had been engaging in romantic relationships with workmates and all had a chaotic end.

Her colleague, who sought anonymity, said he had discouraged 28-year-old Ogweno, who was found dead on July 5, from engaging in a love relationship with her.

“When I first learnt that the two were starting a romantic relationship, I told my friend to quickly end it and narrated several incidents where other colleagues ended up in near-death experiences because of being entangled by her,” he said.

The officer said it is not clear what triggered Ogweno’s murder a few hours after he found Kangogo with yet another man in her quarters.

“It was common for her to react aggressively if any of her lovers caught her cheating, which was also very common,” the officer said.

He also cited an incident in which Ndwiga was almost stabbed to death in her Nakuru house in May last year after a KDF serviceman sent him an X-rated video of Kangogo and him in the act.

“She broke the phone into pieces to destroy evidence and started chasing him from one room to the other and throwing sharp objects at him,” he said.

He added that it took the intervention of colleagues at the quarters to save Ndwiga and ensure that he left the quarters despite the curfew that was in place.

By then Ndwiga, who co-owned a security firm with Kangogo, were cohabiting as man and wife, but the former would travel to Juja every Tuesday and return on Thursday.

Ogweno, who will be interred at his ancestral home in Nyanza, had been transferred from Kericho in February this year to the crime branch at the Nakuru Central police station where he met and fell in love with Kangogo.

Another officer said two of Kangogo's male colleagues almost killed each other when she set them up in her house.

“One of the men was in the house when she went out at night and came back with the second one; a fight ensued,” the officer said.

The female colleague said another one of Kangogo’s ex-lovers, an employee of the Nakuru county government, was saved from a lynch mob after Kangogo raised the alarm saying he was a thief.

He was incarcerated for a few hours before being bailed out by his workmates.

The colleague said Kangogo had a tendency of ending her love relationship dramatically by setting up her mates and threatening them with death.

She had separated from her husband, a senior police officer whose identity has not been revealed. They had two children aged 11 and eight.

The family's lawyer said the children had been in Kangogo’s custody until Monday this week when they were handed over to their father after their mother went into hiding.

A family friend said the children’s father has been taking care of his family despite their separation.

Kangogo killed Ogweno and left his body in his car at a parking lot at the Kasarani police station in Nakuru and immediately went into hiding.

Later that evening, she was placed at another murder scene in Juja where she was said to have lured 32-year-old Ndwiga into a hotel and shot him in the head.

Despite a hotel booking receipt that was left at the scene of the second murder, CCTV camera captured Kangogo and Ndwiga walking into the hotel.

According to a report at Theta police station in Juja, Ndwiga’s body was found to have a bullet in the head.

Ogweno was also shot in the head and was oozing blood from his nose and ears when his body was discovered.

The police report indicated that Kangogo and the man booked the room on the same day she killed Ogweno and she left the hotel at midnight.

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