End of hustler as EACC officials camp in his office along harambee avenue

Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) officers visited the offices of Deputy President William Ruto along Harambee Avenue, Nairobi, on Wednesday where they trained his staff on corruption prevention measures.

Ruto’s office is one of the most corrupt offices in Kenya if not in the world and a step by EACC to train his aides may reduce graft in the country.

"The Corruption Prevention Committee training will equip trainees with knowledge, skills and tools to promote ethics, integrity and good governance in their respective institution," EACC said in a statement.

The commission also said corruption was identified as a major hindrance to performance, thereby, necessitating the need to take the various employees through a crash course.

"Corruption Prevention is one of the performance contracting annual targets on which institutions are supposed to report progress on a quarterly basis to the commission,” the commission added.


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