Here is How to tell if the child is yours without doing DNA

Here is How to tell if the child is yours without doing DNA


Eye-colour, Earlobe, Hair-colour Test

You could determine this by mere observation if they are very prominent or better still use an Ident gene calculator. An eye-color, hair colour or earlobe paternity test shows how eye color, hair colour, or ear lobes can be used to help estimate paternity.
This test is based on theories about genes and how they are inherited from biological parents. With this test you enter the mother’s, alleged fathers, and child’s eye colors, hair colours and earlobes structure to determine if paternity is possible.

Conception Date -Tracking the Menstrual Cycle

This is for both men and women, especially the men who usually care to know nothing about the monthly cycle of the lady they are maintaining intimacy with.
If you are able to keep track of your own menstrual cycle or that of your partner, no one would claim a baby wrongfully or disown what belongs to him, that’s for the lady.
On the other hand, a lady cannot force you to accept a baby that does not belong to you.
For instance, if you had sex 6 months ago and she comes to tell you she’s 3 months pregnant, instantly you should be able to tell the baby isn’t yours!

Genetic Behaviour

Certain genetic behaviours appear in many circumstances, based on the genetic data passed from both parents.
Genetically, babies pick certain behavioural traits from either the father or mother and as the baby grows and you watch closely, you can easily notice some characteristic behaviour that is common with you.

Blood-Type Test

Knowing your blood type is not a common practice in Kenya, but this is very important and not only to know yours but that of your partner. If you have this at the tip of your hands, you can easily determine if a child is yours or not.

The blood type calculator can be used for determining both paternity and maternity.
Say for example the mother’s blood type is O and the alleged daughter’s is B, the father can only have blood type B or AB for the daughter to be related to the father.
For example, two O blood type parents can only produce a child with O blood type.
To explain this further, parents with A blood type can produce a child with either A or O blood type. Two parents with B blood type can produce a child with either B or O blood type.
One parent with A and another with B can produce a child with A, B, AB or O blood types. If one parent has A and another has AB, they can produce a child with A, B, or AB blood type.
If one parent has A and another has O, they can produce a child with A or O blood type.

General Appearance and Resemblance

A father’s connection with his child and how similar the two look can help determine relation to some extent. However these are not guaranteed methods of identifying a baby’s paternity, as some fathers have difficulty bonding in the first year and some babies look more like their mother’s side of the family.

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