Ruto answers Uhuru Kenyatta Sagana meeting speech

2019-Deputy President William Ruto has finally spoken about President Uhuru Kenyatta’s speech in Sagana on Friday where he revealed that he wouldn’t mind becoming a Prime Minister in 2022 if Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) report is adopted.

Uhuru, who was meeting over 4000 Mt Kenya leaders at Sagana State Lodge also asked leaders from the Mt Kenya region to back BBI once it is made public.

“I do not know the contents of the BBI report yet. I hear people claiming Uhuru Kenyatta wants to become the prime minister of Kenya. I wouldn’t mind being in leadership in such a post, though let us deal with the current situation first,” Uhuru said.

But speaking on Saturday, Ruto refused to talk about BBI and instead urged Jubilee members to support President Uhuru Kenyatta’s call of uniting Jubilee Party ahead of 2022 presidential poll.
He also maintained that if prime minister post is created he will go for it.
This means uhuru and Ruto might fight for the same post in 2022.
Ruto also told the opposition under the leadership of National Super Alliance (NASA) leader, Raila Odinga, to keep off Jubilee Party affairs and instead concentrate on their own affairs.



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