The story of Nadia Cherono:Little known Deputy president child

Nadia Is her name and most Kenyan don't know about her.
She is a living testimony that deputy president William Ruto has a heart of Gold.
On September 23 2015 deputy president visited a childrens home, the name of children home is madre ippolata childrens home.
They take care of children abandoned by their parents.
Ruto went there and listened to testimonies of the children.
One which touched him was the one of Nadia who was abandoned by her parents in a thicket and was found with her body partially decomposing, The childrens home took her in and gave her a home and best love she deserves.
This story moved deputy president Ruto to tears, He made a quick decision and decided to adopt her as her daughter and named her Cherono after her mother.
This clearly shows how our deputy president has a heart of Gold.
He later shared this message on his Facebook page after adopting her.
"The story of Nadia who was found buried her body partly decomposing & abandoned as a new born, and has been under the care of Sisters at Madre Ippolata Children's Home touched my heart. I've named her Cherono after my mother and made her part of my family."ltr">Nadia Cherono is now part of deputy president family and is receiving the best parental care you can imagine of.

Photo:DP Ruto and Nadia the say he adopted her

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