My husband…curses and insults were piled on me,’ cries Kambua

 Gospel artist Kambua has praised her husband Jackson Mathu for standing by her when the whole world was bashing her for not bending to their expectations.

Kambua who had at the time of her conceiving had been married for 7 years without bearing a child.

As her husband celebrates his birthday Kambua praised him,

‘When God gave me you, He knew exactly what I needed.

You have loved me, defended, and protected me. You spoke life to me even when curses and insults were piled on me.

There’s not a day in our (nearly 8) years of marriage that you made me feel less of a woman for not bearing children.’

Kambua went on to add,

‘You constantly reminded me that I am your companion, and I am enough.

But you also reminded me that God promised to fill our quiver, and I now watch in awe as He has began to fulfill His promise.

To many more years Baba Muhoro. Father of my beautiful child(ren)! .

To many more 🥂 @jacksonmathu 💛’

His birthday comes just days after a party was thrown for Kambua for having delivered earlier than her planned due dates.

This made the planned surprise baby shower backfire.

‘This past weekend my family came together and put up a most precious celebration for my little bub, Nathaniel Muhoro.

Last year a baby shower was planned and it backfired 🤭 because baby decided to come early! I’ll talk more about this someday.

I’ve learned to unpack all my experiences slowly.

He came early, but still right on time. I am eternally grateful for a healthy baby. God’s ways are perfect, and they are good. .

And just everyone who played a role in making it the magic that it was, Asante Sana 🙏🏾’

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