How a loan app paralyzed customer phone after he defaulted paying back the loan

Some 21 days ago | borrowed 2k from KASHWAY
LOAN APP. When payment time commenced | was
200bob less and | paid the 1800bob then to pay
200bob in a day or two time since it was ona
weekend. | got numerous calls from their collection
people but come today the worst happened. Some
lady called JANET of 0110155833 reached me out
and after some argument she held my Safaricom line
hostage for 3 hours (mind you until now it’s at her
mercy) putting it on dialer with a private number. |
can’t access or do anything with it as at even now. |
borrowed 200bob from a friend and paid up the
balance but she is insisting that | owe them 4
shillings. To my surprise my contacts have been
deleted and all Apps uninstalled in a way | can’t
explain. | had to call and beg her to open my line so
that | receive money through Mpesa and settle the
debt. | was told | have been given 20 minutes to do
so and the dialer was stopped. After paying this is
when | have noted that all my contacts have been
deleted and Apps uninstalled and all messages
deleted. As | write this in my computer am trusting
google on my contact as | retrieve and anything that
might have backed up. This online loans | have learnt
a hard way and | just don’t know what evil this people
can do to my line. Kashway you need to know that it
was easier to charge me a penalty on 200bob than to
mess up my Safaricom line. That’s uncalled for and
you really need to know as much as we borrow from
you, you don’t own us

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