The sad story of a University Student who has died

Dark cloud grazed one family leaving the
entire fraternity of Meru University in
deep sorrow and pain after the sudden
death of a young brilliant student.
The late Patricia Zwahilla was a fourth-
year student at Meru university pursuing
a degree in Human Nutrition and
dietetics a course that indicated her
bright destiny.
The late Patricia was a healthy person
until her untimely death. She succumbed
to a short illness while she was receiving
treatment at the hospital, he body was
taken to the morgue awaiting an autopsy
to reveal the course of her death.
The saddest part is she is an only child .
I can't imagine the pain her parents are going through.
I have learnt with unbearable grief the sudden and
untimely death of Patricia Zwaillah last night
Through a road accident at the Khetias roundabout.
Patticia was a girl of virtue and class,defying all odds
,she took upon herself the responsibility to be a good
and only daughter to her mother, a responsibility she
carried with pride,excelling in academics and setting
enviable social standards to her peers. From petty
street street conversations to Serious life changing
conversations, Patricia always expressed optimism,
full of laughter and love. Naked from God we came,
naked to him we shall return. May you rest in peace.

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