Here is the amount of money slain KBC journalist owed people

  Detectives investigating the cold-blooded murder of slain KBC journalist, Betty Barasa, may have stumbled upon a crucial lead regarding her death.

According to preliminary investigations, Betty Barasa was an entrepreneur and a renowned businesswoman besides her work at KBC and owned various business companies.

Barasa was shot dead at her home in Ngong on the night of Wednesday, April 7, by a three-man gang that accosted her after she arrived from work.

According to reports, Betty did some of the businesses with the government.

A source disclosed that the deceased and her husband, Geoffrey, were well-connected and jointly owned a chain of companies.

Detectives are now scrutinizing every one of the companies, especially those that were involved with the government to find out if any big payments were made to any of the businesses as they attempt to unravel the mystery behind her murder.

A friend to the late scribe described her as a benevolent person who had a lot of money to spend.

“If you were her friend and had a birthday party, she would finance like 90% of the expenses. She was very generous and everyone at work knew this,” the source said.

Further, the sleuths are also analyzing Barasa’s phone which was dumped near her home after the assassins murdered her.

“Any pattern of communication that would be found on that phone will be the first clue on who her killers are if we manage to find out whether the deceased had any conflict with anyone,” one of the sleuths said.

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