10 Kenyan celebrities who have confessed they are HIV positive

HIV/AIDs is a condition where an individual’s immune system is weakened providing a good opportunity for optimistic diseases to attack the body of that individual.


In the long end, the person is prone to life threatening diseases such as TB among others.

But knowing you r HIV status can be a big step towards your future life. Whether found positive or negative.

If negative you are taught on how to lead a safe life, and if you are positive you are taught on how to play it safe and extend your shortening life.

Below is a list of celebs who have declared their HIV status to the public. The list include those who found it negative or even positive.


Living with HIV/AIDS is not the end of the life, but it just means that your immune system is likely to be weak as compared to those who have HIV/AIDS negative status.

The list below makes Kenyan celebs who have gone public and confessed that they are actually living with HIV/AIDS status.

1.Joji Biro


The viral homosexual gospel artist went to public about his relationship status including to be having HIV/AIDS virus.

He makes love to men and confessed having gone through heavy depression after making his choice of relationship

2.Richard Amuok


He is a famous rapper better known by his group Ukoo Flani , He even confessed about the woman who infected him.



He confessed that he was HIV positive and also gay. Frigacy is one of the first upcoming and growing artistes in Kenya


Being negative and knowing this important life fact is not a matter of relaxation, but rather you should watch and ensure that your negative statuses remains so until the end of the life.

Below is a list of celebs who have declared they are negative after visiting VCT

Huddah Monroe


She made her status be known in 2014 during the world’s aids day. She is one of the top most celebrated socialites in Kenya

Vera Sidika


After romours went viral that she was infected while on ‘call girl’ mission, she was forced to do a public VCT process and post the results online

Vanessa Chettle


After romours went round that she had infected to celebs with the deadly virus, she was compelled to sanitize herself by posting her negative status online

Avril Ex-Lover Muga and Avril


After separation, Leslie Mugadza aka Muga went on to do his test and post it on social media. From the postings, he was confirmed negative at the moment

Avril also went ahead and psoted her negative status




Rapper Prezzo was also attacked viciously by Kenyans on social media after he posted his HIV status which indicated that he was indeed negative

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