DCI detectives reveal pin point location of Caroline Kangogo l in top politicians house, as they reveal why they want to arrest her alive

In a normal circumstance, investigators from the
office of the Director of Criminal Investigations
would have already nabbed a murderer, however it
is now the second week and slain cop Caroline
Kangongo is yet to be apprehended.

DCI officers say that she is using the training she got in the police force to hide; however fresh details dated Tuesday 13th July have revealed that Caroline is not alone, she has powerful people behind her hiding her.
Caroline is reported to be behind the murder of two men, one her colleague and another one a suspected lover. She disappeared after she committed the two murders, with allegations that she was going to commit another murder in Kisii.
However, DCls have admitted that it wouldn't be easy to track her down adding that the officerbused to be involved in shady Deals with crime lords, top businessmen and even politicians from
Riftvalley who might be aiding her.
A source told Daily Nation Kangogo was part of two crime syndicates involved in extortion, robberies and protection of politicians and businessmen in the vast Rift Valley. Kangogo is the main suspect in the murder of Constable John Ogweno in Nakuru and a civilian, Peter Ndwiga, in Thika who were said to have been in a romantic relationship with her. However, sleuths from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) said there was more to the murder of the two men saying the love triangle notion might be a smokescreen.
The detectives said the killings might have been a case of a deal gone south, adding that other police officers apart from Kangogo were implicated in
the incident. Consequently, as one group of rogue officers is baying for her blood, Kangogo is suspected of enjoying the protection officers in the syndicate she belongs to.

The detectives now say, that Kangogo should be protected so that she is arrested alive to give an account of what really happened.

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