Husband to Jane Macharia the woman who killed baby before committing suicide two weeks ago also kills himself and leaves a chilling suicide note(Photos)

Jane Macharia from Kitengela reportedly kills her 2 year old baby and committed suicide claiming that she was tired of her husband’s infidelity. The middle aged lady had been monitoring her husband for a while until this week when she found several messages from a woman in his phone.When she asked him why he was cheating, he responded,”hakuna kitu utanifanyia,all men cheat”.

Jane waited until her husband was away from home then strangled her child, she then proceeded to the bathroom and committed suicide.

The husband, who is not even moved said there are 4 billion women on earth, if Jane was tired of living,let her go.

According to friends The husband had not talked to anyone over the past few weeks.

After burial he was not eating,he was only drinking most of the time.

The husband only left a note reading

"RIP my Love and lovely daughter,I will join you in paradise"


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