Why I became pregnant immediately after leaving Mutua,Lilian Nganga now reveals as she urges Kenyan Women to live abusive marriages

Lilian Ng’ang’a has come out to confirm that she is got pregnant with singer Julius Owino alias Juliani while she was still married to Machakos Governor Dr. Alfred Mutua.

On Saturday, a highly placed source told a local publication that Lilian decided to dump the governor after releasing that she was carrying Juliani’s child.

According to the source, Lilian became uneasy staying with Mutua while carrying the child of another man so, she left him. She is said to have wanted to be close with the father of her baby.

“I highly suspect that Lillian Ng’ang’a hurriedly divorced from governor Alfred Mutua because she was pregnant. It is however not clear who the father of the unborn child is although it’s common knowledge that 99.999% of expectant mothers would wish to be near the man who made them pregnant,” the source told Sonko News.

Lilian confirmed the rumors of her pregnancy on Saturday. Taking to her Twitter page, the former Machakos First Lady claimed that she would feel some kicks in her womb.

“Kicks in my womb…” she wrote as she accompanied her statement with love emojis.

If it is true that she can feel the kicks, then it might be true that she might have gotten pregnant before partying ways with the governor. According to scientists, a woman can only start feeling the kicks of her unborn child if she is between four to five months pregnant.

If Lilian is about four to five months pregnant yet she announced her separation with Governor Mutua a month ago, then it is true that she got pregnant for Julian while still with the county chief.

In a previous interview with KTN, Juliani also revealed that she started dating Lilian even before she officially separated from Dr. Mutua. Juliani revealed that she met Lilian in mid-June.

“Lilian, I met her like early or mid-June. As a man I did not sleep in class,” Juliani told the station.

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