Prophet Owour Reveals Kenya next president after fasting in Mt Sinai for 40 days

 After being away from the limelight for a while, controversial 'mightiest' prophet of the Lord, David Owour has finally come back with a 'solid' prophetic message claiming he knows the next president of Kenya. 

According to him, A man who is vying for the first time will Glitch the top seat after the next general elections,owour added that the young man should be very careful because the system will try and rig in an old man who has unsuccessfully vied many times. 

Owuor who is the founder of Repentance and Holiness ministry claims that he saw the prophesy two weeks ago while fasting praying and fasting for 40 days in Mt Sinai. 

"While i was praying and fasting in the wilderness mountain, I saw the popular young politician seated on the throne" claimed Owour. 

It is presumed that awour is referring to Ruto. 

He insisted that it was God himself who revealed to him that Ruto will soon be the President of Kenya. 

Although he did not make an official announcement for fear of sparking controversy, the 'prophet' told his bishops from Africa that he was praying and fasting for Kenyan and African leadership for 40 days in Mt. Sinai when the Lord gave him the prophetic revelation. 

The mightiest prophet was talking in a pastors and bishops conference in Tel Aviv Israel when he broke the news. 

According to Bishop Joseph Kinuthia a Kenyan representative from Nakuru, he said when he was praying for African leadership while on his knees, he asked God to reveal to him the fate of future leadership of Kenya. 
He said that God brought him a vision where he saw the Ruto sitting on the throne while dressed in a white garment with the crown on his head. He was holding a golden staff as a symbol of power, giving directives. 
This is not the first time the self-proclaimed Mighty prophet is making controversial prophecy in Kenya. 
It is remembered that, early this year, the self proclaimed prophet threatened to hold rains forever after Kenyans insulted him over blasphemy. 

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