From working in a posho mill to working for President Uhuru kemyatta" Pauline Njoroge her motivating life journey

 Here is Pauline's post 

Unable to pay a hostel where I was living Ngara, I was kicked out and the management withheld all my belongings because of an outstanding debt. I just went back to the village with about three changes of clothes. Around the same time my kid sister who was in form 2 had been sent out of school coz of an outstanding fees of Sh. 7000. She had stayed home for 6 weeks, literally half the term and there was no hope of her going back to school. It was one of the most depressing times in our lives. Going back to the village was the worst thing that could happen to me at the time. But God sent some angels! A couple that had known me from church invited me to live with them as I figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I already had the idea of starting an NGO, Eagles Leadership Foundation but I did not have the resources. With time the couple opened a posho mill in Gachie. But things were not very good financially so they could not afford to hire a worker. We had to do the job ourselves. I would open the posho miss, grease the machine, clean the maize and wait for customers to come then mill the maize for them. Even at the posho mill I remained passionate about issues of politics and governance. Earlier on I had registered as a member at the US Embassy reference center and every week I would go there and get a book on this topics and I would spend my free time at the posho mill reading. But I was still frustrated coz I really wanted the NGO to be registered so that I could get a platform to engage with the youth on the issues of governance, but I did not have the money. Then I remembered God asking Moses what he had in his hand, and Moses only had a stick and God used it to perform miracles. This got me inspired. I had face book in my hand. I could use it for such engagements. Fast forward, I managed to sell the idea of the NGO to a few young likeminded people. We contributed money which on my part was such a hustle coz I even had to borrow part of it. But finally the NGO was up and due to my consistency at the US Embassy reference center, the Embassy started involving us in some of their programs. 

One day I received a call from the Embassy, I have been put in the guest list for American Independence day reception party which was going to be held at the US ambassador's residence. The day I went to pick my invitation card I could not hold my tears. I was not seeing how it was possible for me to attend such a high profile diplomatic event. Finally the day came. I borrowed a dress and went to the party. On arrival I was received On arrival I was received by one of the ambassador's aides and shown to the garden where the party was. The minute he walked away I felt lost. This was such a strange place for me! Most people present were diplomats and the few faces that I could recognise were of people that I had seen on TV and newspapers; from government ministers, media personalities to business gurus. I spotted Gina Din somewhere and I gathered the courage to go say greet her. She introduced me to Joe Nyaga and so at least I had two people that I could talk to. Within a short time we were joined by Bob Collymore, Linus Kaikai, Katua Nzile, Kilemi Mwiria, Chris Kirubi etc and well, I almost pinched myself to confirm that this was not a dream; It had to be a dream for a girl who had come from the posho mill, where I would go back the following day. But that event had opened my eyes, inspired me and encouraged me to use the little things that God had placed in my hand even more passionately. 

I went back to Gachie and continued doing what I knew best at the time, social media engagements. It didn't take long before someone sent me an inbox saying that she had been following me closely on social media and she thought that I should meet Peter Kenneth. With time she gave me Peter Kenneth's number. I texted him, told him several things on how young people could be engaged in his campaign especially on the social media platform. I waited for the reply. It never came that evening. The following day I was in a matatu going to town when my phone rang. It was Peter Kenneth calling  

-.As long as we are persistence in our pursuit of our deepest destiny, we will continue to grow. We cannot choose the day or time when we will fully bloom. It happens in its own time. 

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