Photos of Machakos white House Alfred Mutua build for Lilian Nganga only to be dumped like a hot potato


  • Speaking to, the county's director of media confirmed that a section of staff had already moved into the building although it is only 80 per cent done.

    The source also disclosed that the new office was better than the old since it was quite spacious and that it gave the county boss the convinience to house all the county staff members under one building.

    Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua and other leaders inspect donations outside the new offices
    Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua and other leaders inspect donations outside the new offices.

    "The building is still under construction and was being built for some time now. The office is spacious enough since the county is growing and guys are not cramped up. We don't have like 15 people in one room.

    "The governor is able to have more staff members within reach. The building is like 85 per cent complete and now I think they are wiring the building. One side is already complete while the other is nearing completion," stated the director.

    Another source intimated that the new headquarters was a step-up from the previous building, noting that the county government didn't really own any building for its staff.

    The new office is a two-storey building spotting a white colour on its exterior with assorted pillars in a manner that State House was designed in.

    Machakos County Government's new offices.
    Machakos County Government's new offices.

    It is also believed that there is a helicopter pad outside the building which also spots a roundabout that doubles as the flag area.

    Our sources could not peg down the cost of the building, explaining that it was incorporated in the yearly budgets of the county and is still incomplete.

    Machakos County Government's new offices.
    Machakos County Government's new offices.

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